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Velkommen til Coloplasts danske investor side. Her finder du seneste selskabsmeddelelser og nyheder, årsrapporter, link til aktionærportalen, info om generalforsamlinger, info om selskabsledelse samt hoved- og nøgletal
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Find presentations, webcasts and transcripts from our conference calls
Q1 2024/25 Earnings release conference call
Link to webcast
FY 2023/24 Earnings release conference call
9M 2023/24 Earnings release conference call
H1 2023/24 Earnings release conference call
Q1 2023/24 Earnings release conference call
FY 2022/23 Earnings release conference call
9M 2022/23 Earnings release conference call
H1 2022/23 Earnings release conference call
Q1 2022/23 Earnings release conference call
FY 2021/22 Earnings release conference call
9M 2021/22 Earnings release conference call
H1 2021/22 Earnings release conference call
Q1 2021/22 Earnings release conference call
FY 2020/21 Earnings release conference call
9M 2020/21 Earnings release conference call
H1 2020/21 Earnings release conference call
Q1 2020/21 Earnings release conference call
FY 2019/20 Earnings release conference call
9M 2019/20 Earnings release conference call
H1 2019/20 Earnings release conference call
Q1 2019/20 Earnings release conference call
FY 2018/19 Earnings release conference call
9M 2018/19 Earnings release conference call
H1 2018/19 Earnings release conference call
Q1 2018/19 Earnings release conference call
FY 2017/18 Earnings release conference call
9M 2017/18 Earnings release conference call
H1 2017/18 Earnings release conference call
Q1 2017/18 Earnings release conference call
FY 2016/17 Earnings release conference call
9M 2016/17 Earnings release conference call
H1 2016/17 Earnings release conference call
Q1 2016/17 Earnings release conference call
FY 2015/16 Earnings release conference call
9M 2015/16 Earnings release conference call
H1 2015/16 Earnings release conference call
Q1 2015/16 Earnings release conference call
FY 2014/15 Earnings release conference call
9M 2014/15 Earnings release conference call
H1 2014/15 Earnings release conference call
Q1 2014/15 Earnings release conference call